Perkins: Hate Crime Laws are a Sign of ‘Chaos in America’

During Glenn Beck’s Under God: Indivisible conference, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins recounted his days as a Louisiana state legislator fighting a hate crime law which included sexual orientation as a protected category along with classifications like race, religion, disability and gender. Perkins lamented that a “full time lobbyist for the homosexual community” helped pass the language over his objections and bemoaned that legislators were ignorant the amendment would lead to “indoctrination of our children in schools and the loss of religious freedom and the freedom of speech.”

Seeing that the law was passed in 1997, Perkins did not make clear how Louisiana students are being indoctrinated into homosexuality or who has lost their religious freedom or freedom of speech over the last fifteen years, but he did assert that the law was a sign of “chaos in America.”
