Pat Robertson Prays For Obama’s Removal, Asks God To ‘Deliver Us From This President’

Pat Robertson today asked God to “deliver” the US from President Obama before it’s too late. After implying that Obama is a Muslim, Robertson told 700 Club viewers: “We need to do something to pray to be delivered from this president. He is a disaster, an absolute disaster. Democrat, Republican or whatever, this country is into serious decline unless something dramatic is done about it.”

Such sentiments are nothing new from the right-wing televangelist. Robertson has previously suggested that Obama is a “crypto-Muslim” and once during George W. Bush’s presidency prayed for God to remove justices from the Supreme Court.

While promoting a Christian Broadcasting Network booklet, “Islam: Religion of Peace or War?,” Robertson suggested Obama professed faith in Islam during a 2012 address to the UN General Assembly where he said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” In fact, Obama’s speech focused on protecting the freedom of speech and religion, and Robertson conveniently omits the president’s next line: “To be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”

“Our president is frankly out of his mind, making a statement like that. The future belongs to those who belong to God almighty, not those who believe in this stuff.”

Robertson also touched on a common anti-Muslim misrepresentation of the marriage between Mohammad and Aisha, which he used to call Mohammad a pedophile.