Pat Robertson Fears ‘Little Kids Are Getting High’ Because Of Marijuana Legalization

CBN’s “The 700 Club” today featured a sharply negative story on Colorado’s marijuana reforms, and host Pat Robertson warned that the legalization of marijuana is harming children.

While the televangelist previously said that “we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” now Robertson insists he never supported legalizing marijuana and only favors decriminalization.

“The little kids are getting high,” Robertson said. “Do you want your little 8th grader to be stoned when he goes to school? Well, welcome to Colorado, where pot is legal.”

He said that Colorado’s law is encouraging “the full-scale spread of this stuff, and it is not good for people’s health, it is destroying their minds and it is destroying their lungs and the addiction is pretty heavy, and it is also a gateway drug into the heavier stuff like cocaine, crack and whatever else is out there, heroine, they’re sniffing glue. These kids find more ways to destroy themselves.”

Robertson also reassured co-host Wendy Griffith that “I’ve never tried it and I hope I don’t have to.”