Pastor Says ‘Dismal Turnout’ At NOM’s March For Marriage Helps Satan, Seals America’s Doom

While the National Organization for Marriage inexplicably stated that 10,000 people attended last week’s March for Marriage in Washington D.C., pastor Dan Cummins concedes in WorldNetDaily today that “reports put the turnout on the Capitol’s west-side lawn at 2,000.”

“The Mall should have been packed all the way to the Washington Monument with biblical marriage supporters,” Cummins laments, decrying the “dismal turnout” as just another victory for the Satanic left. Cummins writes that “the left, those left at the rapture, [are] desperately attempting to destroy” marriage because “Satan hates marriage.”

While “the March for Marriage ends in Heaven before God’s throne with a countless throng shouting the victory,” the pastor regrets that gay rights supporters used the “lack of support for nuptial bliss” at the march to argue that “marriage equality is becoming accepted by society and the church at large.”

He also cites a new poll showing lackluster opposition to marriage equality, lamenting, “God help us.”

As an electrical storm lit up the skies over the nation’s Capitol on the eve of the March for Marriage Rally, was it a harbinger, a sign, of the stormy road ahead for traditional, natural marriage in America? The National Organization for Marriage Rally (NOM), organized by Brian Brown on June 19, was left somewhat standing in the lurch, literally, on the lawn of the National Mall, as only a handful of the expected 10,000 “betrothed” bothered to make it to the church on time to march down the aisle, actually Constitution Avenue, kneel and pray outside the Supreme Court that marriage’s crumbling vestiges remain intact. Was it a case of a runaway bride?

Reports put the turnout on the Capitol’s west-side lawn at 2,000. This apparent lack of support for nuptial bliss only fuels those who say marriage equality is becoming accepted by society and the church at large – thus concluding, wrongfully in my opinion, that same-sex marriage should be legalized in all 50 states.

Has the church lost its first-love for biblical marriage? According to the marriage equality crowd and recent polling data released by TargetPoint Consulting (TPC), it has. “The majority of Americans continue to support same-sex marriage – and those who are opposed to marriage equality don’t care that much about it at all.”

The poll released by TPC, a Republican polling firm, reveals that the majority of Americans continue to support same-sex marriage. Alex Lundry, who was Mitt Romney’s data director, says anti-gay Americans are just ho-hum about same-sex marriage becoming the law of the land – bad news for the National Organization for Marriage if these polling figures are valid. The report continued that when asked to respond to recent statements made by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins – If the Supreme Court steps in and says, ‘We’re redefining marriage, same-sex marriage will be the law across the land,’ it will create a firestorm of opposition. This will be the straw that broke the camel’s back – 58 percent of same-sex marriage opponents said they “would do nothing, or that there wasn’t anything they would do, or that they would abide by the law of the land” should the Court take such legislative action.

Nothing! Really? God help us.

Soon, they all grow weary – foolish and wise alike – and all fall asleep. So, I’m not a bit surprised the church is sound asleep – all of it – on the issues confronting marriage. Could this explain Friday’s dismal turnout? The Mall should have been packed all the way to the Washington Monument with biblical marriage supporters. Where were they?

Why is the preservation of biblical marriage so important to our culture? Why is the left, those left at the rapture, desperately attempting to destroy it? Marriage is a picture of Christ and His church. It portrays the kingdom of God and his righteousness revealed on earth. That’s why Satan hates marriage.

The March for Marriage will not end with a small remnant praying before the Supreme Court. It will not end with blinded bloggers bloviating that the church has lost the battle and Christians could care less. No, the March for Marriage ends in Heaven before God’s throne with a countless throng shouting the victory.