‘No 9/11, No Rectal Rehydration’: Bryan Fischer Explains Why Muslim Terrorists Are Responsible For The CIA’s Use Of Torture

Bryan Fischer continued his vigorous defense of the CIA’s use of torture on his radio program today, explaining quite succinctly that had Islamic terrorists not carried out the 9/11 attacks, the United States never would have been forced to engage in practices such as rectal rehydration.

“The culpability and the blame and the accountability for every last bit of the enhanced interrogation techniques rests on the Muslims who were responsible for 9/11,” he said. “If you’re looking for somebody to blame for waterboarding and sleep deprivation and rectal rehydration, look no further than the Muslims who were responsible for 9/11. They made those enhanced interrogation techniques necessary.”

“No 9/11, no waterboarding,” Fischer explained. “No 9/11, no Gitmo. No 9/11, no rectal rehydration”: