Michele Bachmann Predicts ‘World War III’; Jan Markell Foresees ‘Nuclear Apocalypse’

Michele Bachmann took to “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell” this weekend to warn that President Obama has taken the world into the End Times with the Iranian nuclear agreement.

The former Minnesota congresswoman also recounted how she personally urged President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bomb Iran as “one of the greatest acts of peace” rather than pursue negotiations. The nuclear deal, Bachmann said, “ensures World War III,” adding that Obama is “doing everything in his power to put weapons of mass destruction — the most lethal known to man — in the hands of Israel’s greatest enemy, Iran.”

Markell then proceeded to read the words of Christian Zionist activist Jim Hutchens: “What has not been noted is the fact that our narcissistic, self-absorbed president has prematurely achieved his demonic obsession for a legacy. He will be known throughout eternity as the one who jump-started the process that produced the largest and most destructive nuclear holocaust of humanity, the slaughter of a third of mankind, over two and a third billion people. Read Revelations 6:13-19.”

After agreeing with Bachmann’s assessment that the Iranian deal fulfills biblical prophecy, the radio host added that the UN Security Council’s approval of the Iranian nuclear agreement represented a “huge leap” to “a nuclear apocalypse, the days of the Antichrist and the time of Jacob’s trouble.”