Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes

Yesterday, ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ “Washington Watch” radio show to discuss President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration, and in particular Perkins’ call for Trump to purge LGBT rights supporters from the State Department.

Perkins said that under President Obama “our government has been perverted to be used to advance an ungodly agenda” and “undermine American values both abroad and here at home.”

Bachmann, who claimed that she has advised Trump on foreign policy issues, said that on a recent trip to Israel she learned that “Jewish people are so thrilled that Donald Trump is going to be the next president” and “were horrified by the actions of Barack Obama,” citing bogus claims that Obama intervened in an Israeli election in hopes of defeating the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

She added that while Trump “wants to be in a position of blessing,” Obama has been “cursing Israel” and brought curses upon the U.S. by having the State Department support LGBT equality abroad:

How does the State Department, how does the United States government bless or curse? You brought it up yourself with the State Department, where we’ve seen such evil come out of our State Department, unfortunately, where financial incentives are withheld from countries unless they advance, for instance, the gay agenda.

In a country that doesn’t believe in the gay agenda but the Obama State Department has said, ‘You have to have a gay pride parade. You have to make sure that you can show us that ministers are marching in these gay pride parades.’ What? The U.S. government is telling another government that you have to have gay pride parades? That’s unbelievable. You won’t get your PEPFAR money, you won’t get your USAID money unless you follow our radical social agenda?

You know, we laughed about this earlier. We conservatives are always blamed that we want to talk about social issues too much. That’s all the left will talk about, social issues. And yet they are willing to use U.S. tax money, in other words, your listeners’ hard-earned tax money, to beat over the head other nations to come into conformity with lifestyles and behaviors that we know can be detrimental to people and that don’t advance the American cause.

Under Trump, she said the State Department will “decouple” its mission from social issues.