Michele Bachmann: Donald Trump’s New End Times Foreign Policy Adviser

Michele Bachmann, who earlier this summer joined Donald Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with Minnesota Public Radio last week that she is now advising Trump on foreign affairs:

Before the event, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she has been advising Trump on foreign policy and issues of concern to Christian conservatives. She said Trump is right to call for more restrictive immigration policies.

“He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam,” she said. “I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”

As we’ve noted, Bachmann believes the September 11 attacks represented God’s judgment on America; President Obama and gay rights advocates are bringing about the End Times; homosexuality is “personal enslavement” and “part of Satan”; gay people want to change laws “so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually”; and Obamacare death panels will literally kill people any day now.

Her foreign policy ideas are driven by her belief that the Last Days have arrived.

While Trump frequently rails against “globalism,” the former Minnesota congresswoman goes one step further in warning that a one-world government is emerging that will usher in the reign of the Antichrist , wondering if Obama fits the description.

Obama, she says, has brought upon the End Times by supposedly promoting policies that are “pro-the goals of Islamic jihad,” aiding ISIS, “sending arms to terrorists” and lifting “up the agenda of radical Islam.”

While Trump isn’t exactly one to talk about eschatology, it is no wonder that the candidate who thinks Obama founded ISIS and secretly supports terrorism is turning to Bachmann for foreign policy advice.