Michele Bachmann And Kenneth Copeland Recount How Their Prayers Changed The 2016 Election

Last week, former Minnesota congresswoman and current “pastor to the United Nations” Michele Bachmann joined televangelist Kenneth Copeland to provide live analysis of President Trump’s State of the Union address, during which the two agreed that it was their prayers that helped turn the tide of the 2016 presidential election.

Recalling her role in providing election night coverage for Copeland’s broadcast, Bachmann recounted how their prayer effort that night shifted the election for Trump.

“There is no doubt in my mind that we are still reaping [the benefits] from the miracles of all of the prayers that were happening at that time,” she said. “We kept writing on little sheets of paper, ‘We’ve got to pray for this precinct in this state,’ and we would send it out to the prayer warriors that were praying out here and they were lifting these things up to God because we were serious. We were serious before Him. Why? Because we knew and we trusted that He answers the prayers of His people.”

“It was like a laser,” Copeland added. “It came in that night and it wasn’t a general increase, it hit a mark and from that moment, it exploded and that election changed. I sat there and watched it change instantaneously.”

“Principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, wicked spirits in the heavenlies,” Copeland said. “Those are the ones that effect government. Now that is what happened, the prayers of God pulled those wicked devils that have been running Washington, D.C., for years and slammed them on their faces. And the moment it broke, the election was ours.”