Michael Savage Wonders If Obama Will Get Sex Reassignment Surgery, Wants Him Arrested

Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” host Michael Savage responded to an email question about whether President Obama would soon invite Caitlyn Jenner to the White House, which led Savage to posit that Obama will tell the liberal news site Salon after leaving office that he has “interests in that direction.”

The right-wing radio host exploded into a rant about the president and Michelle Obama: “It’s like two gangster liars took over the country.”

“I can’t take it anymore,” Savage shouted. “He’s a liar, he’s a BS artist and a criminal as far as I’m concerned.”

Savage also demanded that Congress “impeach and arrest” Obama “for the crimes against America” while also wondering about his supposed weight lost and if he “has an illness.”

“I know he has a mental illness of progressivism, I know that that’s an illness that’s incurable, but maybe the physical illness can be treated by the geniuses at the hospitals there,” he added.