Michael Savage: Transgender Rights Will Destroy Society, Outlaw Reassignment Surgery

On Friday, Michael Savage was infuriated by a Hollywood Reporter interview in which director Michael Cimino denied rumors that he is transgender, which led Savage on a rant about “tranny grannies” and why sex reassignment surgery should be outlawed.

“What is this, upstaging the other guy who is simply gay?” Savaged wondered. “This is how crazy this is becoming. It’s not cool enough now just to be gay and have a husband as a gay man, now you have to be a transsexual who cuts your schmendrick off and becomes a woman. I really don’t following this, it’s insanity. It’s the meltdown of an entire society, it’s insane.”

“Why would you want to be a woman when there’s no sex anyway so what’s the difference?” he continued. “Why are all of these Hollywood guys suddenly wanting to be a woman? Most women don’t want to be women after a certain age.”

Savage pointed to the movie “Psycho” as a reason why we should turn against transgender rights: “Didn’t you remember that Hitchcock did years ago with the grandma, with the clothing and the hill, ‘Psycho,’ with the knife in the shower? That wasn’t enough to scare anyone from wanting to — I don’t get this, I just don’t get this. I guess I’m not part of the new America, I just don’t understand this absurdity.”

He added that like female genital mutilation, “these sex change operations [are] male genital mutilation. To me it’s crazy and it should be outlawed.”