Michael Savage: ‘Extreme Diets’ Of Liberals Are ‘Creating A Vast Epidemic Of Mental Deficiency’

Last week, right-wing talk show host Michael Savage blamed the recent demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri, on George Soros, who he claims is trying to bring down the U.S. in order to make money. Savage elaborated on the point when a caller insisted that Soros has “developed a mental disorder,” telling the caller that he could “prove” that “liberalism is in fact a mental disorder.”

“I think I have the evidence now in forms of the diets they put themselves on,” he said. “It’s creating a vast epidemic of mental deficiency.”

Savage went on to say that liberals are either vegans or paleo diet enthusiasts and are, as a result, deficient in carbohydrates, inhibiting the function of their brains. These “extreme diets,” Savage said, have “produced an entire generation of mental incompetence.”

He said that white protesters in Ferguson, who he said should have been arrested, “are mentally disordered not solely because of their politics but also likely because of the drugs they’re on and the foods they are not eating.”