Michael Savage Blames LGBT Rights On Seat Belt Laws

Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” Michael Savage continued his unhinged rant about Caitlyn Jenner, repeatedly referring to Jenner’s gender transition as a sign of America’s downfall.

At one point, a listener called in to share with Savage his theory that seat belt laws and restrictions on public smoking are meant to condition people for greater limits on their freedoms, Savage agreed, linking those laws to recent strides of the LGBT community.

“How did the gays and lesbians get us in such a lock-grip where we accept to whatever they do to us now as just another incremental destruction of our civilization? It started with the seat belt,” Savage said. “I grew up in a time where there were no seat belts, then there were seat belts but they were sort of optional because you had them around your lap and the cops couldn’t see if they were on you, then the government figured out a shoulder strap where the cops could see that they were on you. So everyone now automatically puts a seat belt on; automatically now everybody checks themselves no matter what the pervert says to them, no matter what the sick sisters in the colleges do to their children, they say, ‘I’m not going to say anything because I have to wear the seat belt around my mouth.’”