Mark Levin: Religious Right Voters Are Centrists Because They’re Not As Extreme As Neo-Confederates

Conservative pundit Mark Levin took the stage at the Values Voter Summit this morning for a conversation with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, in which he told the audience at the far-right conference that they are not the political fringe because there are right-wing political movements that are even more extreme than them, such as neo-Confederates secessionists.

Levin told the audience that they had to fight the effort by liberals to “silence us” with “this PC stuff” and to label them as a “fringe” movement.

“They treat us like we’re this fringe,” he said. “You know, I view the political spectrum quite differently. We’re in the middle! You’ve got the radical leftists who’ve taken over the Democratic Party. And then you’ve got this neo-Confederate group out there that really doesn’t believe in the Constitution and keeps talking about secession and so forth. We are traditional conservatives who embrace the Constitution and embrace our heritage and we need to stand up!”