Louie Gohmert Confuses Black Conservatives E.W. Jackson And Harry Jackson

Last week’s National Emergency Coalition conference call got off to an awkward start when Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican from Texas, confused the call’s host, E.W. Jackson, with another black conservative activist, Harry Jackson.

Both Harry Jackson and E.W. Jackson are leading African American Religious Right activists who have campaigned for anti-gay, anti-choice causes. Gohmert expressed his sympathy for their plight at the beginning of the call, telling E.W. Jackson (who he thought was Harry Jackson) that there is “nobody in all of the United States more persecuted than a black man who is a conservative, and especially if he is a Christian.”

“You, Bishop, are an amazing man, I hope your health is doing okay, to the people on the call, I hope you will be praying for Bishop Harry Jackson, he is an incredible—”

“It’s E.W., congressman. Harry’s a good friend though,” the other Jackson replied.

“Oh I’m sorry, but anyway, just appreciate you so very much.”