Larry Pratt: Threatening Politicians Is ‘What The Second Amendment Is All About’

Alan Colmes invited Gun Owners of America’s executive director, Larry Pratt, on his program yesterday and asked the gun lobbyist about some of his more incendiary comments, including his assertion that elected officials should have a “healthy fear” of being shot and his warnings that President Obama might start a race war.

When Colmes asked him about his comments on threatening elected officials, Pratt responded, “Sure, that’s what the Second Amendment is all about.”

“Otherwise I’m not quite sure how we restrain them,” he said, citing the armed standoff at the Bundy ranch as an example of gun owners stopping the government from “imposing their will tyrannically.”

Pratt also cited the 1946 “Battle of Athens” as an example of this system working.

Colmes then asked Pratt about his conversations with extremist talk show host Stan Solomon, in which Pratt agreed with Solomon’s predictions that President Obama would “put together a racial force to go against an opposite race resistance, basically a black force to go against a white resistance” and instigate attacks “on Christian, heterosexual white haves by black, Muslim and/or atheist…black have-nots.”

Pratt told Colmes that anybody who reads racial politics into these conversations is playing the “race card” because the term “black force” referred to “the way ninjas dress.”

A race war, however, is “something that the president wouldn’t mind seeing,” he added.