LaBarbera Slams Navy First Kiss as ‘Public Perversion’ that ‘Kids will be Forced to Study’

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality president Peter LaBarbera is still livid about the traditional first-off-the-ship kiss between Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta kiss her girlfriend, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell, which the couple won in a raffle. LaBarbera earlier dubbed the kiss “indecent” and today on his radio program lamented that Navy families “are going to be forced to be exposed to, essentially, public perversion.” The anti-gay activist went on to claim that “photo will probably end up in a history book that kids will be forced to study and there will be tests on it” as the culture promotes “illicit behavior” to children:

You know we talk about this propaganda that’s ubiquitous, it’s constant now, I think it actually plays to the disfavor of the, it plays against the homosexual side because people are sort of tired of all this propaganda. I don’t know if we mentioned it last week but you got this ‘first kiss’ coming out of the Navy ship in which two, a lesbian sailor was allowed to do the traditional first kiss with her female partner. People don’t think about this. When homosexuality is celebrated in a culture and when it is celebrated by the government because the ship’s captain, the head officer of the ship, he sanctioned this, and now every time because of homosexuality being openly celebrated in the military, and recognition often translates into celebration as we’re seeing right here, now every time when you’re going to have families, when there’s a reunion or a ship comes in, you’re going to have families who are going to be forced to be exposed to, essentially, public perversion. That’s what we’re talking about.

I made the point on our website that when President Obama put this photo, which is now famous, of these two women kissing, when he put it on his Tumblr site, he was putting an indecent photo—he was publicizing an indecent photo on his page. It’s still indecent, despite what the cultural radicals are saying. Now our kids will be taught that it’s OK for two women to kiss each other, it’s OK for two guys to kiss each other, this becomes a lesson. Now we’re seeing in California of course this will be mandated, this photo will probably end up in a history book that kids will be forced to study and there will be tests on it. It’s just obscene actually that this is now being promoted in such a way when it’s still illicit behavior.