John Hagee Confuses 9/11 With the 1981 Shooting of President Reagan

John Hagee is in the middle of delivering a four-part weekly sermon on “Sin, Sex, and Self Control” which has been, despite it’s exciting title, disappointingly boring.

This week’s sermon was on “God’s Message for Men,” during which Hagee spent quite a bit of time explaining the ways in which men and women are different, which is due to different ways their brains functions. In making his case, Hagee brought up the 9/11 attacks as an example of how men and women supposedly react differently to a crisis.

Saying that women responded by having sympathy for those trapped in the World Trade Center towers while men reacted by wanting to know who was in charge, Hagee confused the 9/11 attack with the attempted assassination of President Reagan in 1981, claiming that in the aftermath of the attacks “Alexander Haig actually said ‘I’m in charge here.’ Not according to the Constitution, Alexander, but if you think so, okay”:

Tags: John Hagee