Jesse Lee Peterson Warns ‘Fascists In Pantsuits’ Are ‘Destroying Our Nation’

Jesse Lee Peterson, the conservative pundit who regrets that the U.S. gave women the right to vote, writes today in WorldNetDaily that feminists are “fascists in pantsuits” who “are on the side of evil.”

He accuses feminists of “destroying our nation” and “restrict[ing] our freedoms” by hurting the “feelings of men,” warning that growing concerns about the risks of concussions in football are actually part of a nefarious feminist plot to emasculate and “soften boys.”

Liberal women have been given a free pass for years, and now they’re out of control.

A recent example is the Hobby Lobby case. The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in favor of the arts and crafts store barring the government from forcing small companies with religious objections to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs and certain birth control devices has caused uproar among liberal Democrats and feminists.

Liberal women make up the ideological core of the Democratic Party. The party is attempting to resurrect the “war on women” narrative to motivate its base for the upcoming elections.

Feminists hold powerful positions in government, academia, business and in entertainment. They’re passing laws and rolling out policy that is harming traditional families, shutting down free speech and destroying our nation day by day.

Since feminists have gone unchallenged for decades, many have become fascists in pantsuits who tolerate zero dissent.

The feminists’ fake outrage over what men say is absurd. How about the rights and feelings of men? We’re hurt when our jobs are threatened with false accusations of “misogyny.” We have the right to express our views without being shut down.

Women who love their fathers have a logical way of thinking and they want to protect and build, not destroy. They typically become conservatives.

In contrast, the “love” of liberal feminists weakens and damages. They’ve softened sports with Title IX rules that strip funding from boys’ athletic programs with a gender quota system.

This feminist mindset to soften boys and sports is in operation in the White House. Obama recently held a “Healthy Kids and Safe Sports Concussion Summit” and announced $76 million to help athletes “compete safely.”

Feminists are also weakening the military by overturning “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (the former ban on openly homosexual soldiers) and allowing women in combat.

These liberal women are insecure, and they cannot win against a strong, sensible opponent.

We’re allowed to criticize liberal men, but feminists and homosexuals are beyond reproach.

We are fighting a spiritual battle of good versus evil. Strident feminists who push to restrict our freedoms are on the side of evil.

One thing is clear: Liberal feminists need an intervention. Let’s give it to them!