Jerry Boykin Wishes ‘Cowardly’ Christians Would Be Brave Like ISIS Terrorists

In the same interview with Sandy Rios today in which he warned of a looming Civil-War-level crisis in the U.S. and reported of the imminent Christian conversion of Israel’s Jews, retired Army general and Family Research Council vice president Jerry Boykin wondered why “cowardly” American Christians aren’t brave like the terrorists of ISIS.

“Think about this, what if we had Christians that were that committed to what they believe?” he said, after Rios played him a clip of a Vice interview with an ISIS spokesman. “I mean, here’s a guy who stands up and says, ‘I’m willing to die, I’m willing to die for it.’ And what about the Christian church these days? We’ve got Christians that are more cowardly than, I think, at any time in the history of America because they won’t stand up to evil.”

He went on to claim that “much” of the Islamist extremism in the United States “has come across our southern border” or “has been just developed inside by those people that came across our southern border with nefarious intent to destroy us.”

Boykin made the remarks in a live interview at the Values Voter Summit, which is hosted by his employer the Family Research Council.