Harvey: California is ‘Helping Troubled Youth Feel Comfortable with Deviance’ by Barring ‘Ex-Gay’ Therapy

With lawsuits challenging and calls to defy California’s new law barring the use of dangerous and unproven sexual orientation conversion therapy on minors, Mission America’s Linda Harvey today argued that the law violates the teachings of Jesus and is meant to make “troubled youth feel comfortable with deviance.” Harvey earlier described the proposal as “seriously evil” and, like one of her radio show’s guests, lamented that school counselors in California cannot perform such therapy on gay and lesbian students.

If a teen is struggling with homosexual feelings or gender confusion and has been convinced he or she may have been born gay, counselors in California will not be able to tell them there is no science to back that up nor to warn them and help them to begin to change these feelings. Many people have overcome homosexual desires but in California such advice will not be coming from school counselors or other therapists a parent might choose, instead they will be helping troubled youth feel comfortable with deviance.

Religious freedoms are being assaulted by the left regularly now and every Christian family needs to stay informed to understand what is happening. We always have a choice to believe God, in season or out. In the Bible, homosexuality is always a sin and there’s no indication our Lord acknowledges anything like a homosexual orientation. Yes people can have persistent struggle with the same sin but are we ever supposed to adopt a sin identity? No. We are supposed to flee sexual immorality and we are also warned by Jesus not to draw children into sin. But when government tells people they must allow their children to be led into homosexual sin, it is definitely time for new leadership.