Hagee: Jews Will Make End Times Deal With The Antichrist, 9/11 Was God’s Judgment

Trinity Broadcasting Network hosted a Praise The Lord prophecy special this month, featuring a number of speakers including televangelist John Hagee. The right-wing pastor explained that during the End Times, the Jewish people will not accept Jesus as the Messiah until he returns “because they have just— three-and-a-half years or seven-years before — made a deal with the Antichrist, who is the false messiah, and they are extremely skeptical of that.”

David Reagan, another Christian Zionist preacher, said the Jewish people will experience a “horrible holocaust” and the vast majority will die during the End Times: “Two-thirds of them are going to die and that one-third that is left at the end is going to finally come to the end of themselves.”

Hagee also said that the September 11, 2001 attacks were “the judgment of God on our country” since America did “not obey the law of God.”

Later in the program, Hagee claimed the 2008 financial crisis was divine retribution.