Gordon Klingenschmitt Says Supporting ENDA Is ‘Blasphemy’ And ‘Full Perversion’

Gordon Klingenschmitt, the right-wing pastor and exorcist turned Colorado GOP politician, has denounced a Republican congressman from his state who recently endorsed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

In an email on Sunday to members of his Pray In Jesus Name Project, Klingenschmitt accused Rep. Mike Coffman of embracing “full perversion” and committing “blasphemy” after the congressman said ENDA is a “workplace equivalent of the Golden Rule — do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”

Klingenschmitt added that ENDA will “expose” women and girls “to naked men” and demanded that House members “filibuster this bad ENDA bill,” even though the filibuster does not exist in the House.

He quotes Jesus. Did you catch that? Coffman quotes Jesus’ golden rule, love your neighbor, as a reason to punish and persecute Christian employers and force them to share women’s bathrooms with cross-dressing men. He thinks Jesus would command us to do that. Are you kidding me? That’s blasphemy.

Obama has now gone to full perversion as a matter of policy. When violating the privacy rights of all women and little girls, exposing them to naked men with mental disorders who pretend and deceive themselves, he now requires we believe their deception with them.

For-profit business owners have NO religious exemptions, which will force Christians to choose: either quit your business or hire gays who may directly oppose the mission of your corporation. Owners of Bible publishers, Christian bookstores, Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby will no longer be permitted to operate a business that honors God and fulfills their owner’s mission to promote godliness in the marketplace.

Let’s petition all 435 Congressmen to OPPOSE and FILIBUSTER this bad ENDA bill.