Glenn Beck’s Audience ‘Will Be Remembered In History As Saving The Republic’

Glenn Beck opened his radio program today by telling his audience that all of the predictions he has made over the last 10 years are now all coming to fruition and that is why God has been preparing this audience for this very moment to rise up and save this nation.

And while Beck has been making this same statement for most of the last two years, now he really means it because this summer is going to be 1968 all over again, when America will see riots and assassinations and Beck’s audience will be America’s only hope.

At one point, Beck actually hauled out his trusty chalkboard and listed a bunch of the “accurate” predictions that he has made over the last 10 years to illustrate just how right he has been all along.

“In 1999, I told you about Osama bin Laden,” Beck said. “In 2004, I started warning about the housing collapse. All the way from 2004 to 2008, I was warning about the housing and banking collapse. In 2003, I started interviewing people in the GOP and said, ‘You better be careful, they’re going to come for you with pitchforks and torches, don’t you understand what’s happening, don’t you understand what you’re doing? This means the downfall of the GOP. In 2008, I said they’re going to start admitting that they’re Marxists and socialists. In 2010, the caliphate. In 2006, the Bubba Effect. In 2009, the pendulum swing and the rise of the radical right here in America. In 2010, I started telling you about top down, bottom up, inside out. In 2014, I started telling you that it was 1968, this summer would be 1968. Those are just some of them.”

Despite this amazing track record, everyone continues to mock him, but Beck doesn’t mind because he knows that this has all been part of God’s plan.

“This is the time,” he said. “And this is the time where we’re going to build lifeboats. This is the time where we’re going to be the group of people that will be remembered in history as saving the republic.”

Tags: Glenn Beck