Glenn Beck Transforms His Network Into an Anti-Common Core Public Policy Organization

It has been several weeks since Glenn Beck spent any time talking about his Common Core conspiracy theory, despite the fact that he believes it to be “the biggest story in American history.”

But just because he hasn’t been talking about it much doesn’t mean he hasn’t been hard at work fighting against it behind the scenes.  In fact, on his program last night, he revealed that his network headquarters played host to a conference of anti-Common Core activists yesterday that was organized by none other than his best friend David Barton.

Featuring dozens of various right-wing activists, state legislators, education experts, and communications specialists, Beck’s office hosted a day long conference designed to lay out a plan of attack that can be spread to Tea Party and 9/12 groups all over the nation as part of an national, coordinated effort to stop Common Core.

Beck has, in effect, turned his entire Blaze network into a public policy organization through which he is not only using his various radio and television programs to push his political agenda, but even using organizational facilities to coordinate and orchestrate a full-blown public policy campaign: