Glenn Beck Sees Civil War Brewing in America

After spending last week mocking Alex Jones for believing in crazy conspiracies, last night Glenn Beck put forth his own theory about how President Obama is seeking to foment civil war in America, the catalyst of which will be an executive order he issues gutting the Second Amendment.

As Beck foresees it, Obama will initially accept some sort of compromise gun control legislation from Congress but then start complaining that it didn’t go far enough while waiting patiently for another high-profile gun crime to take place which he can then use as evidence that the compromise legislation was insufficient and thus provide justification for issuing an executive order banning and confiscating weapons. 

At which point, Americans will have two choices: either to hole up in heavily armed compounds à la Waco and Ruby Ridge or to peacefully protest and resist.  Beck prefers the latter because, as everyone knows, things Waco and Ruby Ridge just provide an opportunity for the government to kill its citizens while the media portrays the victims as a bunch of crazies:

Beck went on to advocate for the other course of action where all gun owners refuse to hand over their weapons, get arrested and fill the nation’s jails with peaceful Second Amendment martyrs who will overwhelm the legal system and generate a groundswell of opposition to the government’s violations of the Constitution. 

Because the alternative, he explained, was outright civil war in which the US government would blame the world’s economic problems on the right-wing free-market gun nuts who are leading the rebellion, eventually leading to NATO planes bombing America in order to protect the government.