Glenn Beck On Mike Huckabee: ‘He Is A Liar To Your Face. He Is A Very Disingenuous Man’

On his radio program today, Glenn Beck took a call from a listener who wanted to know why he has made “disparaging comments” about Mike Huckabee in the past and asked Beck to provide some specific evidence to support his obvious dislike of Huckabee.

Predictably, Beck kicked things off by labeling Huckabee “a progressive” and blasting him for supporting Common Core, but then also declared that Huckabee is a liar and “one of the most disingenuous men I have ever, ever met” because he is someone who cynically uses his faith for political purposes.

“He is Jeb Bush, hiding behind the cross,” Beck said. “He is a liar to your face. He is a very disingenuous man”: