Gingrich: Vote for Me, I’m an Outsider vs Garlow: Vote for Gingrich, He’s an Insider

Newt Gingrich spent twenty years in Congress, serving the last four as Speaker of the House … but he is now running for president on the fiction that he is some sort of anti-establishment outsider:

Newt Gingrich said today that the political establishment is fighting him because of fear over “the idea of a Gingrich presidency changing Washington.”

“They are very frightened by the idea of a genuine outsider,” Gingrich said on ABC’s Good Morning America.

If that is going to be Gingrich’s campaign strategy, someone ought to alert his main supporter Jim Garlow, because Garlow has specifically been telling anyone who will listen that he is supporting Gingrich precisely because he doesn’t want an outsider in the White House:

Inside knowledge of Washington, DC.

Life inside the beltway is intimidating. I am becoming less convinced that electing an “outsider” is all that wise. I think I prefer an “insider” who truly understands how things work, and who is right on the issues. Mr. Gingrich is both of those. Mr. Gingrich will not allow the radical secularist to “out – parliamentarian” him. That is desperately needed. It is possible to have a solid, constitutional, pro-life, pro-marriage Christian president in the White House, but unable to move legislation. We need someone who cannot be “bullied” by the system.