Gay Games Participants ‘Force Themselves On People,’ ‘Celebrate Immoral And Dangerous Behavior’

Janet Porter is not pleased that Cleveland Republicans are “working to undermine marriage and family values” and “throwing the moral principles of the party platform under the bus,” referring to the Cuyahoga County GOP’s outreach work at the Cleveland-Akron Gay Games.

“Chairman Rob Frost released a statement about how thrilled he was to welcome the homosexual, lesbian and cross-dressing community into the Republican tent, they even paid for a booth at the Gay Games to celebrate immoral and dangerous behavior from a community that seeks to silence dissent and criminalize Christianity,” the Faith 2 Action and ReaganBook founder said today during her daily radio bulletin.

Phil Burress of the Ohio-based Citizens for Community Values is also worried that participating athletes will use the Gay Games to “force themselves on people”:

A pro-family activist says homosexual activists and their “Gay Games” will fail to turn Ohio into a mecca for homosexuals.

Beginning on Saturday, downtown Cleveland will host “Gay Games 9,” which will run through August 16. Normally the event is held in more so-called “gay friendly” cities suchas Boston or Los Angeles.

Phil Burress, chairman of the Citizens for Community Values, notes that homosexuals are one percent of the population.

“And so there are going to be a lot of people in Cleveland who are not going to like what’s happening,” he says. “But this is typical of their behavior, to force themselves on people.”

Burress says there have been negative reactions to the “Gay Games,” including from Muslim car drivers who refused to drive with advertising that promotes the games.

Burress believes many people will keep their distance from the so-called “Gay Games.”