Garlow: There Are Only ’61 Days of America Left’ Before it is Gone Forever

Few Religious Right leaders can match Jim Garlow for delivering dire doom and gloom warnings about what is in store for America and Christians if the church does not rise up and make sure that President Obama is not re-elected.

Today, he joined Tony Perkins and Tim Wildmon on “Today’s Issues” where he bluntly declared that there are only “61 days of America left” because if Obama is re-elected, America will become permanently unrecognizable. As such, it is imperative that Christians become “unbelievably bold,” just as Perkins and Wildmon have been, for which they will one day be hailed by historians: 

Perkins: Dr. Garlow, how critical is the Christian vote in this upcoming election.

Garlow: At the risk of being misunderstood, I am going to say it this bluntly: we have 61 days of America left. I know that sounds melodramatic to some, it sounds alarmist, Chicken Little to some people. But we have 61 days. If we do not see a change at this time, America will be set on a trajectory that will make it unrecognizable in four years; it is almost that today.

We have 61 days of America left. If we do not turn at this point, America as we have known her will be forever gone. It is crisic that people vote, that they activate, that they become informed and they influence every other people they can regardless of how unreceptive people might be to them announcing where they stand on the issues. It is time for us to be unbelievably bold.

And thank you Tim and thank you Tony for what you men do. When historians record what turned America someday, your names are going to be there.