Fischer: We Want to Take America Back to the Book of Genesis

On yesterday’s radio program, Bryan Fischer took issue with President Obama’s recent claim that the Republican Party’s agenda is so dated and retrograde that that it was the sort of thing one would have seen “on a black-and-white TV.”

It is not that Republicans are trying to take America back to the days of black-and-white TV, Fischer declared, because they want to go even further back than that … all the way to the Book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden! 

And that is because any nation that supports things like marriage equality or the right to choose is bound to suffer the wrath of God:

You know, Barack Obama is out there, or the Democrats are out there, saying we want to go back, saying Republicans want to take us back to the days of black-and-white TV, that’s what Barack Obama says.

And I say no, we’re going way, way, way back further than that; we are going all the way to the dawn of creation. God is the one who created us male and female; God is the one who formed marriage, who created marriage, who designed it to be a union of one man and one woman for life. So we’re going way past the 1950s; we’re going clear back to the Garden of Eden.

Now I contend that we shed innocent blood and we honor sexual perversity to our national peril. This is not an incidental thing; it puts our nation in grave danger of the judgment of God. If we shed innocent blood and we embrace sexual deviancy, this will bring the judgment of God upon any nation that approves of those behaviors and gives them special protection in laws.