Fischer: ‘Homosexuality in the End Is Going to Be Responsible for the Collapse of the Western Economy’

Bryan Fischer is a big fan of Niall Ferguson’s bogus claim (which he has since renounced) that John Maynard Keynes did not care about how his economic policies impacted future generations because, as a gay man, he didn’t plan to have children.

The American Family Association spokesman took issue with Tom Kostigen of Financial Advisor, whom Fischer called a member of the “pro-sodomy gestapo, the gaystapo,” for criticizing Ferguson when he is in fact “exactly right” for blaming the 2008 financial crisis on the gay community.

“He was a narcissist, he was a hedonist and he was a homosexual,” Fischer said, “his view of history is very shortsighted, short-circuited, he cared about himself and his generation exclusively; so homosexuality in the end is going to be responsible for the collapse of the Western economy.”
