Farah Blames Penn State Scandal On Growing Acceptance Of Homosexuality

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is adding his name to the growing list of Religious Right leaders who blame gays and lesbians for the child abuse scandal at Penn State. In today’s editorial, Farah maintained that “an environment conducive for predators of children is being created” by advocates for gay rights, arguing, “The more our society condones and glorifies aberrant sexual behavior, the more of it we will see.” Farah insists that since homosexuality is no longer “perceived as sexual perversion,” child predators will have more prospects to harm children:

The lines between right and wrong sexual behavior have been moved. They were moved, in most cases, without legislation, without an expression of the popular will and in spite of the contradictory religious beliefs of the majority of Americans. They were moved sometimes by judicial fiat, through the pressures and propaganda of powerful cultural institutions and through the intimidation and thuggery of a self-interested minority.

Some may find this hard to believe, but even through the 1960s sexual revolution, homosexuality was perceived as sexual perversion. That began to change only in the 1970s, when the American Psychological Association, under political pressure, changed the very definition of homosexuality from a disorder to an identity.

No longer did God decide for America what was sinful behavior. Ever since, every man and woman has done what is right in his own eyes.

We may not fully understand the details of what Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky did or didn’t do to young boys in locker rooms and showers, though he does admit inappropriate behavior. But the real question is how he did it for so long without consequences.

But now that being accused of homophobia is considered an offense, while practicing homosexuality is considered a virtue, should it really surprise anyone that such behavior would go unreported or unchallenged for so long?

In an age when government schools are actually teaching children how to perform homosexual acts and that there is nothing wrong with them, it would seem that an environment conducive for predators of children is being created under the watchful eye of the state and the media. Remember also that Penn State is a public university. There is probably no institution more conscious of the new “sin” of homophobia than the American college campus. There are few imaginable offenses more grievous than homophobia in that environment. One pays a price for exhibiting any symptoms of this dread disease – especially in academia.

The more our society condones and glorifies aberrant sexual behavior, the more of it we will see. Period. End of story.

I know many people don’t want to hear this. There is a big price to pay stating it this simply. But you don’t change what has been sinful behavior into appropriate behavior with a wave of a magic wand. You don’t change the morals of a nation through judicial activism. You don’t use the heavy hand of government to create new moral codes without very severe consequences. You don’t allow social engineers to get their way through bullying tactics and coercion.

What happened at Penn State is a tragedy. Worse, it’s likely a series of tragedies that will impact the lives of people for years to come.

Let’s stop acting like idiots by addressing symptoms of a much deeper problem when most everyone knows why we’re seeing an explosion of predatory sexual acts on innocent children everywhere – in churches, in schools and in academia.