Erik Rush: Obama Will Begin Staging Hate Crimes

Citing the false claim that the Department of Justice used the George Zimmerman trial to aid “anti-Zimmerman activists,” WorldNetDaily’s Erik Rush predicts that President Obama may be collaborating with members of the press to stage a “‘false flag’ racial incident.”

Rush, who demanded that Mitt Romney put journalists in jail for treason if he won the presidency, warned that “starry-eyed, Obama-worshiping journalists” may help “create” bias crimes.

Last Friday, the New York Times published an item by John Harwood that similarly propagandized the state of race relations and the Republican Party’s deportment with regard to race. Employing clever if furtive suggestions that white Republicans disfavor Obamacare because the president is black, Harwood contextualized the comments of those Republicans he quoted to suit his account, a fanciful if desperately cynical and dangerous one.

As I mentioned, I might have taken this as routine far left race-baiting, but I’m inclined to think it’s more than that. In true community-organizer fashion, the Obama administration has been keenly adroit at capitalizing upon events in order to advance its objectives. If you’ll recall, Obama and Co. were on the February 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin almost within hours, helping to shape the narrative that turned George Zimmerman from an American Latino defending himself against a belligerent young thug into a sinister Wagnerian Anglo huntsman, prowling the night looking for hapless black children to murder. The Department of Justice was even caught funneling funds and personnel to aid anti-Zimmerman activists during his trial.

Inasmuch as this crowd pioneered the orchestrated crisis, in my view it would be profoundly imprudent to dismiss the possibility that the administration might go beyond exploiting tense racial situations (or those that might be construed as such, even if remotely) and actually create some.

It’s been reported that in recent weeks that President Obama has conducted meetings with “select” members of the press. Obviously it’s natural for a president to wish to ingratiate himself to members of the press to some extent and convey his ideas to them, but considering his timing and characteristically aloof manner, I am inclined toward suspicion. The Associated Press recently expressed displeasure at being fed “propaganda” photos by the administration and only being given access to the president for photo ops twice in five years, and there have been other recent indicators that the press at large is finding this White House increasingly difficult to work with.

Then, there’s the fact that the identities of the individuals participating in these powwows have been kept secret.

Is it possible that our propagandist-in-chief “innocently” impressed upon certain starry-eyed, Obama-worshiping journalists how tenuous he believes things are with regard to race in order to manipulate them into bringing these issues to the collective top of mind through their reporting? Further, might he be doing so as a precursor to some manner of “false flag” racial incident or incidents that are in the works? It does seem interesting that in addition to the usual suspects (like Jesse Jackson), we are seeing an upsurge in race-related rhetoric and reportage, despite nothing in particular having transpired in this area lately.

While race-baiting is nothing new for the left, the aforementioned incidents appear to have come somewhat out of left field with regard to the news cycle. Should some high profile, highly unpleasant race-related incident occur in the near future, it wouldn’t be the first time such a thing happened at a juncture that proved to be advantageous to the administration.

At this particular juncture, one might say that the Obama administration could use all the help it can get, considering Americans’ anger over the Obamacare rollout, mounting concern with regard to the several scandals in which the president is involved, his plummeting approval rating and the growing alienation of the press.

Let’s just hope that “help” is not forthcoming, for all our sakes.