Donald Trump Tells Supporters To ‘Check Out’ Accuser’s Facebook Page

Donald Trump dedicated his speech in Greensboro, North Carolina, today to lashing out at the women who have come forward with allegations that he forcibly kissed and grabbed them in the wake of a recording in which Trump boasted that he can get away with sexually assaulting women because of his fame.

He told the crowd that he never met the women before and that they are all liars seeking “free fame,” while once again implying that they are so unattractive that there is no way he or any other man would have groped them.

“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said, ‘I don’t think so, I don’t think so,’” Trump said. “Whoever she is, wherever she comes from. The stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made-up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t going to happen with me.”

Trump said that these “lies” are part of the “disgusting” efforts by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the media to derail his candidacy.

While discussing “the dishonest writer from People magazine” who shared her own account of being assaulted by Trump, the GOP nominee denied the charges, calling her a “liar,” and told rally-goers to “check out her Facebook page and you’ll understand.”