‘Do Not Doubt This Book’: Bryan Fischer Falsely Claims Reuters Has Debunked The Theory Of Evolution

Bryan Fischer kicked off his radio program today by hailing what he claimed was a Reuters article that debunks the theory of evolution once and for all.

“You know, I tell you frequently, ‘Do not doubt this book,'” Fischer said, in reference to the Bible. “Here’s a story from Reuters to start the program off today about the creation/evolution controversy; this is Reuters, now, this is not a press release from the American Family Association or from the Institute for Creation Research, this is a Reuters piece on ChristianToday.com.”

“Listen to this,” Fischer declared as he began to read the article. “‘The long-standing debate between Creationism and evolution just recently tipped once again in favor of the biblical belief that God created all living and non-living things here on Earth, thanks to the discovery of lizards encased in ambers.'”

If it seems odd that Reuters would make such a declaration, that is because Reuters never made it. The article Fischer read was not a Reuters piece at all, but rather a one-sided report from Christianity Today that was simply illustrated with a Reuters photo.

Aside from the fact that Fischer was entirely wrong about the source of the article, he also ran into a bit of trouble with the fact that these lizards are reportedly nearly 100 million years old, since that obviously conflicts with his creationist belief that the earth is only a few thousand years old. 

So how did he address that? By simply dismissing it, of course.

“We don’t believe these are 99 million years [old],” he stated. “I believe the earth is about 6,000 years old, maybe 10,000 at the max, but the Bible does not permit you to believe that the universe is 99 million years old. That’s just not going to work.”

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he concluded. “Do. Not. Doubt. This. Book.”

Fischer was so enamored with this article that he mentioned it several times throughout his program today, at one point declaring that the theory of evolution is “a complete sham, it’s a scam, it’s a hoax” that was “developed to find some kind of excuse to disrespect God.”