Dave Daubenmire Insists ‘Obama Has Done More To Fuel Racism Than George Wallace’

Religious Right activist “Coach” Dave Daubenmire is sick and tired of people talking about racism…unless they’re talking about President Obama and liberals, who of course are the real racists and must be called out.

Daubenmire, who last year penned a column about how he is “proud to be a white man,” in which he claimed that African Americans and Latinos are the real racists, elaborated on this view in a column last week.

Discussing the Donald Sterling controversy, Daubenmire accuses President Obama, black pastors and “liberal-black” commentators such as “house negro” Juan Williams of being “race barkers” who are ruining America.

“Obama has done more to fuel racism than George Wallace could have ever done,” Daubenmire writes. “If you criticise [sic] him you are (all together now) RACIST!”

I am not going to fall into the trap. I refuse to apologize for LA Clipper owner Donald Sterling. I refuse to wear the yolk of “racist” that the media is trying to throw over the neck of white Americans. His beliefs have nothing to do with me. Permit me to skip the “I am not a racist” confession normally required for a white man to speak to the issue of blackness and race in America. The constant bellowing of “racist” has worn thin with me. I think it is time to bark back.

Our media have become race-barkers, as obnoxious as the carnival-barkers who drove customers to the bearded lady…or the Siamese twins…or the sword swallower for a fee on the midway. Today they are race-barkers who see racism behind every action…every thought…it is now “thought” that destroys people.

2. Obama has done more to fan the flames of racism than any man in history. Millions of white faces voted for him hoping to prove Americans weren’t racist. He has made racism worse. He uses it to escape responsibility. He blames all criticism on his skin color. Others bark for him as well. Especially the media. He is nothing that he told us he was. Obama has done more to fuel racism than George Wallace could have ever done. If you criticise [sic] him you are (all together now) RACIST!

3. Fox News is a sellout. O’Reilly, Hannity, Van Susteran [sic] fall all over themselves apologizing for whitey. Their lead “house negro” is Juan Williams. He is their expert on all thinks black. Why doesn’t “conservative” Fox News have a stable of conservative blacks to make the conservative position? Where are Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Jesse Lee Peterson, Pastor James David Manning, Mychal Massie…black voices who can speak to “conservative” solutions to race in America? If Juan Williams was white we would never have heard his name. Only liberal-blacks’ opinions are heard on Fox. Criticism of Obama is racism. Who wants to be called racist? Can’t you see it?

4. Institutional racism is a code word for extortion and corporate shakedown. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made millions riding that horse. They make powerful white men kneel and beg. The head of the NAACP is a man named Benjamin Jealous…Jealous…need I say more? Racism is big business and business is good. The race-barkers have created a feeding frenzy. The media creates their own “experts” who make whites feel guilty for simply being white.

11. Black pastors in America are still on the plantation…they keep their people slaves. They support their racist brothers and blame race rather than morality for the condition of their people. Black men don’t father their children nor marry their “baby mommas.” Pastors blame the white man rather than rescue their sheep. They support the government as a surrogate father. The pastors are black first and Christian second. Government is a poor god. It enslaves people to handouts.

12. This may be hard for you to believe but the battle in America is not black/white, Republican/Democrat, rich/poor, or conservative/progressive. The battle has never changed. It is good versus evil. Right versus wrong. Donald Sterling is gone. How will that help poor black kids?

13. Hear me Christian…black and white…Jehovah is our Father. The barkers want you to forget that. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. They must keep stirring the pot of racism if they are going to control us. They fear the power of Christians united under God’s banner. Yahweh has no skin color. Some folks race to heaven and some race for hell. That’s the real racism…not skin color.