Daniel Lapin joins Benny Hinn to ‘Battle the Twin Forces of Islamic Fundamentalism and Intense Secularism’ while Making Money

The Religious Right’s favorite rabbi Daniel Lapin visited Benny Hinn on This is Your Day to promote his new book, Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money. The partnership between Lapin and Hinn makes a lot of sense: Lapin was involved in disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s corruption scandal and Hinn’s Word-Faith ministry is corrupt to the core, using his cash-for-healings scheme to finance his lavish lifestyle.

Lapin told Hinn that God put him on this earth “to bring ancient Jewish wisdom secrets of making money to everybody” and that he attends churches not to make money but because “it’s where the people are”…the people he wants to buy his book. He went on to tell Hinn that he is determined to fight the “assault” waged on civilization “by the twin forces of Islamic fundamentalism and intense secularism.”

Lapin shouldn’t need to lecture Hinn about making money, as the owner of a $30 million Gulfstream jet who lives in a $10 million seaside mansion in Orange County, California, and extravagant hotel rooms around the world seems to be doing quite well for himself.


Lapin: I know that part of the purpose that I was put here for was to bring ancient Jewish wisdom secrets of making money to everybody.

Hinn: Can I ask you a question sir, why would an orthodox rabbi go to churches?

Lapin: To paraphrase Willie Sutton the bank robber, ‘that’s where the money is,’ in my case it’s not where the money is but it’s where the listeners are, it’s where the audience is, it’s where the people are.

Hinn: Oh really, so that’s why you do it.

Lapin: I believe that it is vitally important to bring the wisdom of the Torah to everybody; I believe that is what’s going to salvage civilization. I believe civilization is under assault right now by the twin forces of Islamic fundamentalism and intense secularism.