Cruz: Obama Leading ‘The Most Hostile To Traditional Marriage Administration This Country Has Ever Seen’

As Brian noted, Sen. Ted Cruz has been making the rounds of Religious Right radio programs lately, promoting his State Marriage Defense Act which would prohibit the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages in states where such marriages are illegal.  Yesterday, he appeared on “WallBuilders Live” to explain that such a law is necessary because President Obama is a dictator who is leading an effort to destroy the traditional definition of marriage throughout the nation:

One of the really sad trends we’ve seen in recent years has been a concerted attack on traditional marriage and that attack has manifested in the courts of law as advocacy groups have used litigation to tear down the marriage laws of states across this country. But it’s also manifested from the federal government, with the Obama administration; this administration is the most hostile to traditional marriage administration this country has ever seen.

The Obama administration came into Utah and said ‘we’re not going to listen to what the US Supreme Court said. We, the federal government, are going to recognize marriages in the state of Utah and Utah state law explicitly does not recognize as marriage’ and that was really, in my view, an abuse of power, using the federal government to try to force what the ultimate objective is of these advocates and their objective is to see traditional marriage laws torn down in all fifty states.

One of the really most troubling aspects of the Obama presidency has been this president’s consistent pattern of lawlessness. That over and over again, we’ve never seen a president who, if he disagrees with a particular federal law, simply defies it, says he will not obey it and he will not enforce it … This ought to trouble everybody, not just conservatives, not just Republicans, this ought to trouble Democrats, independents, and Libertarians, anyone who believes that the constitutional limitations on government protects our liberty should be deeply dismayed because if you have a president who can pick and choose which laws to follow and which laws to ignore, then you no longer have a president and that’s dangerous.