Creationist Tax-Dodger Kent ‘Dr. Dino’ Hovind Is A Modern Day Job

Today’s “WallBuilders Live” radio program was dedicated entirely to an interview that Rick Green and David Barton recently conducted with Kent Hovind, the right-wing folk hero known as “Dr. Dino” from his days running Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park in Florida.

Hovind has spent most of the last decade in prison for “structuring” in an effort to avoid paying federal income tax on the grounds that all of the money generated by his theme park belonged to God. He is currently facing even more legal troubles stemming from his alleged efforts to illegally prevent the government from selling off properties seized from him in the original tax case.

Today’s WallBuilders interview was entirely one-sided, as Green and Barton more or less allowed Hovind to tell his side of the story unchallenged as he repeatedly insisted that he had never broken any laws and had never done anything wrong and, at one point, even compared himself to Job.

After Green noted that Hovind has not received much support from the conservative Christian community because many believe Hovind to be nothing more than a tax protestor, Hovind insisted that he was nothing of the sort.

“People who say that about me,” Hovind asserted, “are doing the same thing Job’s friends did to him. Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar, they said ‘Job, you had to do something wrong or this wouldn’t have happened.’ Their whole song and dance for the whole book of Job was ‘Job, you had to sin.’ Finally, God had to explain it to them in Chapter 42, guys, go tell Job you’re sorry. And so maybe that will happen in my case”: