Cass: ‘Judges Beware! God Is Not Mocked’

Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is not very happy about the recent ruling from Judge John E. Jones striking down Pennsylvania’s ban on gay marriage and has issued a strong warning to Jones and other judges who dare to issue rulings that go against God’s law: prepare to spend eternity in Hell.

As Cass explains, the role of a judge is to “affirm and defend the only true source of true justice – God’s unchanging moral law” and those who fail to do so by issuing rulings in favor of abortion rights, marriage equality, or evolution are just like those “German judges that ruled Hitler was just in killing the Jews”:

These “mighty ones,” who now enjoy earthly authority as judges, will one day acquiesce to God’s final eternal decree; those who obey the gospel unto eternal life, and the others to the lake of fire! 

Why is God standing poised to judge these “gods?” “And show partiality to the wicked?” (Vs.2b) Literally, these unjust judges “lift up the faces of the wicked.” The wicked ought to be ashamed and downcast in the presence of a just judge, but now they are commended by the courts and find favorable friends on the bench. “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked.”(Proverbs 28:4) Judge John Edward Jones III praised the plaintiffs as “courageous” who asked him to overturn God’s definition of marriage. 

There are many examples of rulings that have “lifted up the face” of the wicked. Courts allow pornographers to fill our media with graphic violence and sex and wonder why our children abuse and kill. Godless judges find “rights” to sodomy and counterfeit marriage. They censor the teaching of any scientific fact that undermines Darwinian state religion. Judges find it perfectly permissible to kill innocent pre-born children, even by the cruelest forms of infanticide.

God is no respecter of persons. All mankind, including judges, will account to him and be judged impartially by the same unchanging standard- His eternal, moral law. Money, power, and fame cannot save you from God’s certain judgment. 

Earthly judges and courts ought to be a living parable. They should reflect God’s character and the coming day of God’s perfect, impartial justice. In a day of moral schizophrenia, when the fickle cannons of humanism pervert justice, we need strong advocates of justice that affirm and defend the only true source of true justice- God’s unchanging moral law. 

There is an obvious, anti-Christian bias coming out of the courts that undermines its authority. According to Judge Jones, God’s definition of marriage belongs on “the ash heap of history.” It was humanistic, German judges that ruled Hitler was just in killing the Jews. It was the corrupt show courts of Stalin and Moa that justified the slaughter of millions. Judges beware! God is not mocked.