Bryan Fischer Will Not Have Sex With A Man!

Speaking yesterday with a caller who identified himself as a “non-practicing homosexual,” Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association reaffirmed his belief that homosexuality “is a matter of choice.” When the caller asked if Fischer “could have sex with a man,” Fischer was flummoxed and said he would never even begin to think about having gay sex.

When the caller pointed out the hypocrisy in Fischer’s position that gay men should simply just “choose” to see women, the AFA spokesman, still puzzled, said, “If an individual does not have a legitimate way to satisfy their sexual impulses, then the path that God has designed for them is the path of abstinence, chastity and celibacy.”


Caller: Could you have sex with a man?

Fischer: I’m sorry?

Caller: Could you have sex with a man?

Fischer: Would I?

Caller: Could you?

Fischer: No.

Caller: I thought it was a choice?

Fischer: Sure it is, I’m just saying it’s emotionally, morally, mentally impossible for me—

Caller: But you just told me that you couldn’t do it?

Fischer: Yeah, I couldn’t do it, there was no way; there is nothing in me that would let me do that.

Caller: OK. How do you think I feel about women?

Fischer: I don’t know. How do you feel about women?

Caller: There ain’t no way.