Bryan Fischer: Right Wing Watch Is ‘Trolling’ Me, Just Like Critics Did To Jesus

Earlier today, we posted a clip of Bryan Fischer asserting that many DREAMers, undocumented young people who were brought into the United States as children, grow up to become criminals, gang members and murderers.

On his radio program today, Fischer said that he sees nothing wrong with that statement and stands by it, accusing us of “trolling” him just like critics did to Jesus.

“Right Wing Watch is a liberal organization,” Fischer said, “and they troll us, they troll this program, they are trolling this program right now as you and I are talking to each other. Right Wing Watch has their trolls down in the basement somewhere watching, taping, listening to every word that we speak.”

“It’s just like what the politicians of Jesus’ day and the opponents of Jesus’ day did to him,” Fischer stated. “They were constantly trying to provoke him, constantly trying to catch him in something that he might say. So they were always trying to come up with these gotcha questions for Christ, always trying to goad him into saying something that they could use against him. So this is what Right Wing Watch is banking on, this is what they’re hoping for.”