Bradlee Dean: Gays Commit Half Of All Murders, Obama Is A ‘Homo’ And Maddow Is A ‘Shim’

On this weekend’s edition of Sons of Liberty Radio, hosts Bradlee Dean and Jake McMillan claimed that gay people are responsible for half of all murders committed in large US cities, among other crimes.

After Dean said that homosexuality and abortion are the “last two stages that a country takes before God judges that country,” McMillan charged that “half of the murders in large cities were committed by homosexuals; thirty-three percent of child abuse cases were committed by homosexuals; half of the foster children molestations were done by homosexuals.”

McMillan explained, to Dean’s agreement, that gays are prone to criminality because “when a person’s mind has gone to that extent of committing an abominable act, it shows what else they are capable of.”

McMillan later recounted an interview with a gay reporter in which he charged that all people, including gays, are created equal, “but not when you make choices; if you break the law you’re no longer protected by the law.”

“God gives us strict orders to deal with people that commit such crimes in this life,” Dean said, “as a mercy to society.”

Dean wondered if gay people are “thinking to themselves, ‘These people are really falling for this.” But of course gay rights are gaining ground, Dean claimed, since “they got their homo in office,” and have “infiltrated” the White House.

The right-wing commentator also discussed his hugely unsuccessful lawsuit against Rachel Maddow for accurately quoting his claim that Muslims who want to execute gay people are “more moral” than Christians. Dean repeatedly referred to Maddow as “shim,” since he doesn’t know if the MSNBC host is a “he or she,” and said that he “started getting death threats” as a result of her program.

“Folks you need to understand what you’re dealing with, when you’re looking at the homosexual agenda, gay marriage, this administration, folks, by you tolerating their lawlessness, I want you to understand something, by you tolerating their lawlessness you are moving the seat of violence closer to your front door,” Dean stated. “Without you dealing with it, evil will prevail and rest assured evil is prevailing against you.”