Boykin Longs for the Days of the Draft Because it Might Have Prevented the Repeal of DADT

Yesterday, the Family Research Council’s Jerry Boykin was the guest on Frank Gaffney’s “Secure Freedom Radio” program where he lamented that there were not a lot of military veterans serving in Congress and that, as a result, things like spending cuts and legislative changes are weakening the nation’s defense. 

In fact, Boykin said that “one of the great things about the draft” was that it brought everyone into the military in one way or another and now that it no longer exists, we are seeing things like the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell because legislators “have no concept of what military life is like”:

One of the great things about the draft was it brought every community in America into the military in one way or another; a son, a daughter, or a brother or a sister , or a father or whatever. So I think there is a lack of understanding of our military today, that why I think the Congress was so eager to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell because they have no concept of what military life is like.