Beck: The Religious Right Will Make World Leaders ‘Pee Their Pants’

In conjunction with Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Love” event in Dallas last weekend, James Robison organized a “Christian Leadership Conference” featuring a variety of Religious Right activists and preachers called “Under God: Indivisible.”

Video of the conference has now been posted on Robison’s website and we have begun working our way through it, starting with evening gathering where Beck took to the stage and hailed the gathered speakers as “the greatest collection of men that I know,” praising them for being willing to stand up and “wield the sword of righteousness” because doing so will make “the leaders of the world … pee their pants.” 

Beck went on to explain that he knows history “the way David Barton knows history” and proclaim that the speakers at this event were just like the men who led the American Revolution who were the first to be rounded up and killed because tyrants know that “any population that follows God wins”: