Beck: Sen. Paul’s Filibuster Is the Birth of ‘a Historic Movement’

It is no secret that Glenn Beck fancies himself as some sort of historical soothsayer capable of seeing parallels between the past and what is happening today in order to make predictions about the future.  

On last night’s program, Beck proclaimed that Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster last week the modern day equivalent of Sen. Charles Sumner’s 1856 “Crime against Kansas” speech, which resulted in him nearly being beaten to death on the Senate floor. Likening the criticism Paul received from Senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain to the savage beating Sumner received, Beck went on to declare that just as the Republican Party went from nonexistence in 1854 to capturing control of Congress and the White House by 1860, Paul’s filibuster would one day be seen by future historians as a watershed moment and predicting that they “will look back in a hundred years and say ‘this speech ignited a global freedom movement'” that eventually won the White House.

“You were here to hear the heartbeat when the Tea Party started,” Beck declared. “And last week, you witnessed the birth”: