Barton: Science Will Eventually Discover That Salt is Not Bad for People Because The Bible Says So

Last year, David Barton began recommending a book called “None Of These Diseases” by S.I. McMillen, which claims that everything we need to know about medicine and health care can be found in the Bible. Barton called the book, which states that promiscuity is the cause of arthritis and insanity, that it is not necessary for women to experience orgasm, and that women who have been punched the face by their husbands just need to learn to submit, “one of the best healthcare books you’ll ever read.”

Today, on “WallBuilders Live,” Barton recommended the book again as he predicted that eventually science will discover that salt is not actually bad for you … because that is what the Bible says: 

That’s one of the life verses I love is Joshua 1:8 that if you do things according to His law, you’ll have prosperity, you’ll have success. You just do it according to His way. You also get the promise of Exodus 15:26 that says now if you do all of the things that I command you, you won’t be stuck with all those diseases I put on the Egyptians, you’ll really be health. And so this is really the basis of healthcare is actually doing your body the way God wants you to do your body. That’s one of the great books out of the 60’s called “None of These Diseases” by Dr. S.I. McMillen who’s just a medical doctor and he said ‘hey, let’s go back and look at what God said about health things in the Bible.” And, my gosh, four thousand, five thousand years later we doctors have finally figured out God got it right.

And I’ll make a speculation on this because I think the Bible is always right on science and science eventually does catch up, we’re going to find out salt is not that bad a deal for you. There’s a reason Jesus made salt a good thing, that we are the salt, we are the light, we’re the preservative. Now anything taken too much is going to be a problem, but I have seen in the last two weeks new studies coming out saying well, it turns out salt is not as bad as we thought it was.