Barton: Gay Activists Don’t Want Equality, They Want To Be Dominant

The guest on “WallBuilders Live” today was Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel church in California who came on to warn the audience about SB 323, the “Youth Equality Act,” which would require youth nonprofit organizations operating in the state to comply with California’s nondiscrimination laws.

That, of course, is an outrage to folks like David Barton, who warned that gay activists don’t just want equality, they want to dominate and force everyone else to accept their views, which is something that Christians would never do:

Notice that this bill is pointed against quote ‘discriminate against LGBT groups.’ Now discriminate against now means, in California officials’ views, to disagree with.  So it’s not discriminate against, it’s if you disagree with these groups, we’re going to punish you for not having a government-approved view. This is what happens when [Christians] refuse to get involved and its now going to effect home-schoolers as well.

We often say let homosexuals have the right to marry, et cetera; no, no, no, it doesn’t stop with that – a little leaven leavens the whole loaf – these guys are not wanting to be equal, they’re wanting to be dominant.

And that’s what we’ve seen across Europe, that’s what we’ve seen everywhere else but we keep thing, well, we wouldn’t do that if we were in charge, we wouldn’t force our views on them. Great, but you’re not in charge and you’re not getting involved and you’re not electing people.