Barton: Democrats ‘Have Wrapped [Kermit] Gosnell Around Themselves’

On today’s “WallBuilders Live,” David Barton and Rick Green interviewed Frank Pavone of Priests for Life where they discussed the trial of Kermit Gosnell. Following the interview, Barton asserted that the Gosnell case “the biggest mass murder trial in American history” before declaring that activists should not be afraid of placing the blame on the Democratic Party because the Democrats “have wrapped Gosnell around themselves”:

The news has done a very, very, very poor job of covering the Gosnell trial which is one of the mass murder trials, the biggest mass murder trials in American history. You know, just basically decapitating a hundred babies or sniping the spinal cords and all the screaming, it’s just unbelievable.

Democrats are the ones who have owned the abortion issue. In their platform they proudly proclaim [it,] so why do I feel like I have to tread on neutral ground and not call out Democrats versus Republicans? Hey, the Democrats are the ones who have wrapped the flag of abortion around themselves, they have wrapped Gosnell around themselves. Gosnell is a product of the Democrat thinking and philosophy … If you’re in the Democrat Party,  this is what your party believes, this is what your party platform says, this is what you’ve wrapped yourself around, this is what you promote as president, this is it.

Barton went on to proclaim that the key to winning the abortion battle is to educate people about the graphic nature of what abortion entails … just like they should do with the issue of homosexuality in explaining how truly “reprehensible” it is:

Bill Dannemeyer, a Lutheran guy, he said “you Democrats, you’re wanting to fund all this homosexual activity, let me describe to you what homosexuality is.”  And he just took a homosexual handbook that described the different types of homosexual sex and it grossed all the congressmen out. He said “why are you grossed out, this is what you’re funding” and he literally read it into the [Congressional] Record and they wanted to purge the record. But once you get education, you go man, this is gross stuff, whether it’s homosexuality, whether it’s abortion.

You know, even my grandad, when I got involved in the Republican Party … he had been a lifelong Democrat, he said “why’d you do that?”  And I said “well, Grandad, because of where they are on abortion and where they are on religious expression and where they are on homosexuality.”  We were building a fence at the time and I vividly remember it, we were putting the barbed wire up and nailing it on the post and he just listened to me and for about five minutes, he didn’t say anything and about five minutes later he said “sometime you’re going to have to tell me what homosexuality is. I hear people use that and I’m not sure what that is.”

And there’s a guy who has been in the Democrat Party his whole life but because of the reprehensible nature of what it is, he didn’t know, it had never been described. The Founding Fathers called it the crime not to be mentioned, it was that reprehensible.